Inequality? OK, fine. But hunger? WE CAN’T ACCEPT THAT!!!

Katrina Abenojar
3 min readMay 30, 2021

Two Beggars at a Stoplight

Yesterday, I was waiting at a red light and in the span of five minutes, two beggars approached my window. I didn’t expect to give them any money, but I caved and gave her my smallest bill — 50 pesos. She said thank you and moved on to ask for charity at other car windows. I was about to give the second my smaller change, but this time I stopped to ask her some questions about where she was from and how she arrived in Manila…

Hitch hiked — from Mindanao, she said. Where her children had died from lack of food… She was basically a refugee. I’m really an impulsive person and this story got to me so instead of loose change, I gave her the biggest bill I had — 1,000 pesos. I told her to use it for food, and after she left I was still kind of shocked. Maybe I was just gullible, but I believed her story. Your own children dying of hunger…

I drove off with the next green light and mostly forgot about what had happened. Just a faint sadness lingering while listening to my podcasts.

Side note:

Maybe I’m part of the problem. If there wasn’t anyone giving alms then those people wouldn’t come all the way here. But they’re already here. And I’m just one person. Not giving them anything won’t change the system.

[Context of this disclaimer: finding this article while looking for a cover photo] OK That’s one way to see it, but it’s not the only way! People giving alms might be a pull factor, but there’s also a push. A pretty bad push. Rural poverty. Devastation. And to be honest, not giving alms won’t change that push.

The soup kitchen story that made me sad… (mad)…

Today, I decided to be responsible and watch a required video for this Anthropology masterclass that I signed up for. Lo and behold, it was about feeding the poor. Faith in humanity, restored? Nuh-uh. I remembered the beggar from yesterday and felt really sad again. People shouldn’t be starving, and definitely not starving to death. WE HAVE SO MUCH FOOD. THERE IS SO MUCH FOOD. THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!

I can accept inequality. OK — you can hoard all you want. That’s not going away anytime soon, but please can’t we just have zero hunger? Is it that hard?

Here’s the video I watched:

Regular Vietnamese lady feeding the poor with noodles —and at 5 pesos per bowl (or “pay what you can”) so they don’t feel like they’re begging! Dignity.

Such a good thing that she’s doing.

But now I’m double devastated. I hate it when I start to imagine how horrible poverty is. Now I’m starting to imagine rural poverty… And it looks really bad. Besides poverty they also have conflict. :( Sad face :(

I’m starting to accept that inequality will always be there, there will always be relative poverty. But absolute poverty? Do we need that? Um, maybe not. I don’t think that needs to exist.

What can we do?

What can we do? How can I get out of my everyday routine where I just let life and my interests pull me along (drifting through the internet and work…). How can I break away and do something good? When will I act and not just think? I can’t just keep thinking about these things.

Well, I guess thinking at all is better than nothing. I have been thinking about what I can do, and I really think that agriculture can unlock rural development and food security. I want to work in that area one day. One day soon hopefully…

But yeah I have to know what’s going on. I need to learn about people’s experiences… See what it’s like in the front lines, and then take a step back and look at the structures that give rise to the problems. Think about the systems and actors. Find the point that I can lever.

I don’t want to be like some developed country person that comfortably lives their life indirectly exploiting developing countries and then trying to improve the lives of people in developing countries with aid or donations… Like self-greenwashing (goodwashing?)

So here I am learning more, not just by reading but also by talking to people. Because maybe talking to people is already a start. An action. Outward motion. It’s the least I can do right now, but at least I finally started doing something other than reading! Engaging with people is a step. Reaching out. Becoming informed. More empathetic. Connected.

Hope this gets me somewhere.

